Questions Every Facility Manager Needs to Answer

    By |2017-05-04T15:17:33+00:00March 22nd, 2017|Categories: Roof Asset Management, RoofSMART|Tags: , , |

    Superintendents of schools, property managers, and facility managers carry a big responsibility in overseeing their facility’s roofing. As such, it’s important for them to know details about their properties—or at least have access to answers quickly. Yet oftentimes, that important information is not known, and answers are hard to find. In this case, the old adage [...]

      Changing the Broken Public Work(s) RFP Model

      By |2017-03-22T20:22:13+00:00March 21st, 2017|Categories: Capital Project Management, RoofSMART|Tags: , , |

      Every year, public school corporations in Indiana spend around $35 to $45 million to remediate the defective waterproofing integrity of their facilities. This startling number is needlessly wasted; there is a better way. By implementing roof asset management strategies, school corporations and taxpayers can see an approximate 15% to 20% reduction for these purchases while greatly [...]

        RoofSMART – The Future of Leak Management

        By |2017-03-22T17:34:43+00:00February 27th, 2017|Categories: Roof Asset Management, RoofSMART|

        If you’re a School Administrator, then you know how important it is to keep all of your facilities functional and safe. But—all too often—severe weather gets in the way, causing leakage, which compromises your facilities. When damage happens to buildings, school corporations are left scrambling to find qualified, experienced contractors to repair buildings. Time is of [...]

          Are Roof Warranties Warranted?

          By |2017-03-22T17:49:24+00:00February 26th, 2017|Categories: Capital Project Management, Roof Asset Management, RoofSMART|Tags: , |

          The extended manufacturers’ roof warranty programs being sold to building owners today have clearly become an issue. As competition has gotten keener among manufacturers and generic systems, the manufacturers have yielded to these pressures by lowering their prices and extending their warranty periods. Roofing system manufacturers and distributors have internal pressures within their organizations to increase [...]