Parking P.A.S.S.

In 2018, Moisture Management opened a new Parking and Paving Division that offers parking lot and paving consulting services in Indiana, through our Parking P.A.S.S. program. The P.A.S.S. program stands for “Professional Assessment, Service, & Strategy”. Using the same business model of serving as an impartial and independent consultant for our clients, Moisture Management’s process for parking lots and structures is very similar to how we handle roofing and wall projects. The general process for Parking P.A.S.S. includes:
• A complete assessment is performed on all related parking lots and parking structures.
• All defects and conditions are documented, via photos, and a comprehensive report is produced, with color-coded lot maps by condition.
• An immediate repairs checklist is generated for defects that require quick attention, including maintenance items that can become bigger problems in the future.
• A long-term strategic budget is developed for larger projects, such as seal coating and re-surfacing.
• Once repairs are completed, the work is inspected for accuracy, quality, and completeness. The lot condition maps are updated as projects are completed.
• A plan to pro-actively maintain parking lots and structures is presented, to maximize our clients’ return on investment and maximize service life.
• Additional Options: Moisture Management can also prepare bid documents, send out RFP’s, and manage the entire bidding process for the repairs for you.
Ready for a FREE consultation regarding your parking lot?
Common Parking Lot & Paving Issues

Settling: Cars parking in the same spot as the asphalt cures can cause depressions in the asphalt. Over time, water can pool in the low spots and degrade the asphalt faster than normal expected.

Small cracks allow water into the asphalt and, over time, develop into larger cracks that can split the parking lot. Cracks such as these should be filled and sealed to prevent further decay.

Potholes are a constant problem in Indiana, given the severe temperature fluctuations and climate changes. Potholes not only look bad, but can damage vehicles and result in slip and fall claims.

Curbs are often damaged by semi-trucks and need repair once compromised, such as shown here. If not repaired, the broken curb will begin to crumble, due to moisture settling in cracks and crevasses.