RoofSMART™ University
A unique training program for contractors, architects, facility managers, and other industry professionals, as well as serving as an educational resource for building owners.
Bridging the Knowledge Gap in the Commercial Roofing Industry

Moisture Management has developed RoofSMART University™ to both educate and inform all parties involved in the commercial roofing industry, including training for contractors, architects, and other professionals, along with informative educational content for building owners and managers.
RoofSMART University™ is split into two distinct sections, one for roofing industry professionals and one for building owners and managers. In the chart below, you can see the types of information that is available for both sections. The content contained as part of RoofSMART University™ is password protected, so you will need to contact Moisture Management for an access code by completing the simple form below.
RoofSMART University™ is currently under construction and will be live soon, with new content added on a continuing basis as additional information, videos, and statistics are developed and posted.
RoofSMART University™ for Roofing Professionals
Information on upcoming training programs
Technical articles and whitepapers
Roofing product reviews and spotlights
Schedule of free seminars and events
Roof repair demonstration videos
How using drones can improve your inspection efficiency
How to become a Certified RoofSMART™ Contractor
RoofSMART University
Request your free password today!

RoofSMART University™ for Building Owners/Managers
Real-world statistics on roof life by type in Indiana
Roof management strategies and processes
Indiana contractor database with quality ratings
Schedule of upcoming seminars and events
Educational videos on proper roofing practices
Roof Maintenance Cost Calculator – based on your square footage
Ready to learn how Moisture Management can help you?

Example of Statistics Available in RoofSMART University™
We track several service metrics, but in this area, we are highlighting two important metrics: Dispatch to Onsite Service Times and Dispatch to Completed Report (all our work orders are closed out with a full photo report and detailed service call information). The statistics are real, the roofers’ names have been redacted, but are listed on the actual date in the RoofSMART University™ section for building owners and managers.