RoofSMART™ is a Roof Asset Management and Procurement program that educates and enables building owners and managers in purchasing the best roofing solution, at the best price, backed by the best warranty.

RoofSMART™ is revolutionizing the way building owners and managers buy and manage their roofs, by enacting processes and protocols that reduce or eliminate the proven failings of the traditional buying methods, shifts accountability back to manufacturers and contractors, and provides exceptional long-term cost savings.
Offering a comprehensive suite of roofing services, RoofSMART gives building owners and managers a wealth of information to make solid decisions, accurate budgets for facility planning, and quality assurance protocols.
The RoofSMART Process
1). A complete roof assessment is performed: Each roof section or facility is thoroughly inspected by Moisture Management and assigned one of seven different condition categories. All defects found are photographed and noted, along with recording basic information about roof type, age, manufacturer, and other relevant details. A CAD roof plan is created and all the photos and roof information details are loaded into an online database customers can view through any connected PC.
2). A 5 year strategic plan is developed: Based on the results from the roof assessment, a 5 year action and budget plan is created, separated into three major categories:
- Preventive Maintenance: the budgetary costs of performing necessary maintenance and inspections to keep warranties valid, prevent small issues from becoming bigger ones, and replacing worn sealants and caulking.
- Repair/Restoration: the budgetary costs of repairing the defects found during inspection, along with any significant restoration needs, such as coatings, replacing flashings, etc.
- Recover/Replacement: budgetary plan for roof replacements, if necessary, that take into account inflation of materials, priority of the space below them, and the observed failure rate of the roof (based on age and professional experience).
3. Executive strategy meeting: The 5 year strategic plan is presented to all relevant management, finance, and other involved parties to fine-tune the budget plan, set up implementation schedules, and discuss contractor selection.
4. Implementation: The 5 year plan is executed, with adjustments made to the plan throughout as necessary. The online roof database is updated as roofs are improved or replaced, tracking all costs. Once the 5 year plan is completed, the roof assessment process begins again.
RoofSMART Components
RoofSMART includes many different components that make up the comprehensive roof asset management program. The graph below highlights most of the major components that are involved with executing a strategic 5 year roofing plan.

What was RoofSMART™ Designed to Accomplish?
Reduce Risk on Roof Projects
RoofSMART™ is designed to transfer the liability of performance away from the school and back to the manufacturer and contractor, by using the RoofSMART™ Performance Warranty, which protects your interests, not theirs.
Reduce Leak Repair Costs
RoofSMART™ members receive a fixed, discounted rate for leak service calls, which are performed by certified roofing contractors. The performance metrics for contractors are tracked daily to ensure they meet response and quality standards.
Provide Long-Term Strategy
As an independent, 3rd party consultant, Moisture Management provides a thorough roof audit, along with a 5-year strategic plan to maintain and upgrade your assets. The information is then loaded into our online database, Roof Logic.
Boost Your Purchasing Power
RoofSMART™ allows you to bid capital projects as a group with other RoofSMART™ members, resulting in much lower costs per square foot for re-roofing. Roof projects are bid out as a group and individually, so you can choose the best option.
Ready to learn how Moisture Management can help you?
Actual Statistics Available to RoofSMART™ Members
We track several contractor service metrics, but in the graph below, we are highlighting two important ones: Dispatch to Onsite Service Times and Dispatch to Completed Report (all our work orders are closed out with a photo report and detailed service information). The statistics are real, the roofer’s name has been redacted.